Today I was looking at something new to learn and I came accross some material on DLL Hijacking. Previously I was only really aware of DLL search order hijacking, but I was interested to see that theres actually several varients to this idea. It may be best to first explain what a DLL is before talking about methods of manipulation. A DLL is a shared object or a snippet of code that several applications and operating system components can import for many common functions as to not have to re-invent the wheel on many things.
Thaddeus’s Personal Site
This is a slice of the internet that I use to brain dump and document things that I am working on and interest me. All source code for this site is available at:
Read my lastest posts here:
Today I was looking into some stuff for SSH and I wanted to know more about the maths behind how diffie helman works and since its just always something I took for granted so today I learned. Below is a simple graphic that I made that illustrates the process of the key exchange.
So what does this mean? Well asymetric cryptography is built upon the idea of creating a shared secret independently without passing it over the public internet.
So I didn’t do anything today so I’m going to take today to write about NixOS. I started using NixOS recently because I would like to incorporate declarative and immutable operating systems into my research. I was introduced to NixOS via one of my favorite podcasts Linux Unplugged. I wasn’t initially sold on it because it sounded like a fad, but so far its pretty cool. This is how I understand it.
Hello, this is the beginning of my (somewhat) daily blog. The intention of this blog is less of an exercise in writing about my life and more of a exercise in making a habit of documentation. I plan to write daily about lessons I learned about computers that day and I’m sure there will be a non-computer related blog or two. When I implement tagging and search, I will make sure that things are tagged appropriately.
Bash scripts are very sensitive to line endings which can cause some portability issues between windows and unix-like systems (depending on how the text editor encodes line breaks). If you would like to see the invisible characters that are making your life confusing simply type:
cat -v <FILE> The easiest solution to this issue is a simple sed replace line:
sed -i -e 's/\r$//' <FILE>
So for some reason in v2021.7.0 HomeAssistant introduced a bug that breaks a lot of systems that rely on its NGINX reverse proxy add-on to provide ssl capabilities. Thankfully the fix itself is pretty simple.
To begin, try to navigate to the site to produce the error, then in the HAS web GUI navigate to the Supervisor Logs (Settings>System>Logs)
Grab the IP that shows up in the error that reads
So for some reason in v2021.7.0 HomeAssistant introduced a bug that breaks a lot of systems that rely on its NGINX reverse proxy add-on to provide ssl capabilities. Thankfully the fix itself is pretty simple.
To begin, try to navigate to the site to produce the error, then in the HAS web GUI navigate to the Supervisor Logs (Settings>System>Logs)
Grab the IP that shows up in the error that reads
The Proxmox team doesnt really have any plans on changing the default port assigned to Proxmox (8006) and their documentation just tells you to use nginx to proxy the traffic if you want to change the default port so the following script should change your port to the port of your choosing [with 443 as the default].
#Install nginx
apt install nginx
#Checks for your default nginx file and deletes it
I don’t really like like allowing servers to set their own IP addresses, i think its kinda weird and i like to handle things at the network level so I typically have all my servers as DHCP clients and I set their addresses statically on the network device they’re attached to. Unfortunately proxmox doesn’t like that so it doesn’t include DHCP in the installer, which is fine. Its easily fixed.
As much as I love Home assistant there are some small papercuts that can make it annoying to deal with, this is one of them. Every time you elect to “stay signed in” and you don’t sign out before exiting the page you’ll have a nice token sitting in this long list of your previous mistakes. I found this quick fix on Reddit, but understand that this will clear ALL the tokens in your home assistant (even the session that youre currently in) so you’ll have to log back in.